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It isn't just what happens on the soccer field, but what happens off it as well! That is why we will create a community and culture of well-being, connection, and support for the athlete and their family. As a club, we will spend a lot of time together. Everyone's experience is enhanced when we come together as a community to support our athletes and make this experience beneficial to the whole family.


BSC Texas Brighton Soccer Club Texas

Calie is a certified holistic health coach with 15 years of experience. She's also a mom to two teenage boys and has lived in the world of travel ball and athletics for the last 13 years. She understands the demands on both the parents and the students. As our Wellness Club Director, Calie will create opportunities for parents to utilize practice time for their own workouts and meal prep. and provide information, education, resources and recipes to the parents and students. 

Bulk Freezer Meals
Practice Night Meals
Healthy Snack Swaps

Book Club
Workouts & Run Club


BSC Texas Brighton Soccer Club Texas
BSC Texas Brighton Soccer Club Texas
BSC Texas Calie Calabrese
BSC Texas Calie Calabrese
BSC Texas Calie Calabrese

These optional Friday practices (twice a month) will incorporate tools to help our teams gain a competitive edge by increasing their endurance and strength, but also focusing on mobility and flexibility for injury prevention and more effective footwork. These session will be split between time with our DOC, Nic to work on strength, endurance and agility to up the girls performance on the field and time to work with our Wellness Director, Calie on mobility, flexibility and recovery for injury prevention. Many of our players are playing both high school and club soccer and this means their bodies are going to be more prone to injury from fatigue and limited recovery between practices and games. Without proper conditioning, they’re going to naturally fatigue faster during games, have less speed and strength and maneuverability and more risk of injury. It’s our goal to prevent that through additional training and education.


In addition to the physical training, all female players will have access to  chat with Calie and will use their mobility and flexibility time to talk about female specific nutrition and recovery to help the girls feel better both on and off the field. A few of the parents have confided in Calie that their girls are having some hormonal challenges impacting their cycles. This is becoming more and more common among young female athletes and it impacts their performance, focus, energy and confidence on the field. Calie will share tips with the girls to help balance their hormones for a healthy, consistent and mostly symptom free female cycle. The girls do not have to share any personal information. Calie will simply provide them with information and tips they can choose to implement on their own time. If they have questions, they’ll be able to follow up with her one on one if they’re uncomfortable asking in the group setting. 

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