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The athletic development of your player is a huge commitment, not just for the player but also for the family. At BSC we understand the impact your player’s athletic commitment has on your time and finances. It’s our goal to extend our support to both athletes and parents, helping you use this time to make your life easier, not busier; joyful, not stressful.

We offer a more exclusive, focused driven experience for the athlete and family. That doesn't mean a lack of development or quality! We strive to get the very best out of our individual players and teams, making sure they receive high level coaching


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from licensed, professional and experienced coaches. Our coaches operate from a modern approach to the game, focusing on the right way to play, without screaming and yelling at our players. We want them to express themselves under our guidance, utilizing their skill set and personality.


Our curriculum focuses on all aspects of soccer development and is structured to get the very best out of our athletes. Each week, parents receive communication, going over what was worked on in practice, what the goals are for the upcoming games, and everything else you need to keep you informed of your child's development. We understand how vital it is parents are kept in the loop at all times.

We have created an environment that hits all the points that make up a successful soccer program. A family environment, Intensity at practices, Passion from Coaches and Players, Energy and finally, Trust We teach soccer the correct way. Fast, short passes with the emphasis on moving as a team, working as a team and keeping the ball as much as possible. Clearly, there is more detail and nuance to our playing style but our game model is a clear and concise version of how all BSC teams strive to play, both from an individual and collective perspective.

BSC Texas Brighton Soccer Club Texas


There has always been something that stood out to me during my 14 years coaching in various states across America: The player first approach that is so prevalent in Europe. When you focus on the player, wins come. When you focus on wins, the players suffer. There are some fundamental reasons why I believe parents and athletes remain frustrated about their soccer experience at club level and why so many feel lost.

There are some very talented coaches across the country, all with different levels of coaching licenses and experience. The missing piece is lack of genuine connection where the coaches prioritize the players and their future, and not just the future of the club. Here are some things you will NOT find at BSC;

  • Coaches shouting in a non positive manner on the sidelines

  • Micromanaging during games. Not letting players express themselves

  • The constant need to win no matter what (playing faster stronger athletes over technically gifted athletes or ones that deserve to play due to hard work, attitude etc)

  • Letting athletes play even if they don't deserve to on that particular weekend (due to lack of discipline, performance issues, attitude etc)

  • Goalkeepers play one half each because 2 goalkeepers are on a roster and it is "fair". Minutes are earned.

  • Adding different caliber players to a roster just to fill it because of club revenue

  • Cancelling practice due to weather conditions or coach conflicts

  • A Head Coach not coaching their team because of conflicts with their schedule.

Myself, along with experienced and passionate coaches, board members and staff, make it our mission to support our athletes and their families through soccer and beyond. Creating a community and culture of well-being, connection, and support for the athlete and their family. I am looking forward to BSC becoming an important part of the North East Texas Soccer community and I am personally looking forward to the adventure! See you all out there on the field.

BSC Texas Brighton Soccer Club Texas
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