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Player development is and always will be our top priority to ensure that BSC TEXAS teams play at a competitive level. We are growing our club the right way, and to do this, we need every player and parent to feel part of this new adventure, whether you're a founding member or brand new to BSC.

Quality over quantity, always! The growth of the Club, the development of new teams and the addition of coaching staff. Everything goes through a rigorous and complete evaluation through Club Management before it happens. BSC is growing, but maintaining our roots. The quality, playing level and player development will always be our foundation and will always be of most importance within the Club.


We fully disagree with a player being financially locked into a club for a whole year if they don't want to be there. We truly believe players should have the freedom to choose their club based on their circumstances and experience. What we offer at Brighton Soccer Club is of such a high standard, we believe players and their families will not want to look elsewhere. If a player does want to leave, that is down to us as a Club and we will work hard to rectify that and allow them to move onto a better fit for them. The only contract we require is related to how the players and parents conduct themselves within our club structure. This ensures we are all creating the best environment for growth and development.

Along with no financial obligation contracts, we will be completely transparent with our yearly plan as a club and for individual teams. For example, head coaches and the entire team will vote on specific tournaments during the year, giving enough time for planning and with no surprises! Communciation is key throughout the club.


Parents sharing the same philosophy and vison as us. Understanding the true developoment path of the athlete.

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Making sure a team is made up of very similar ability levels. It isn't fair for anyone to have a huge athletic/technique/skill gap on the same team.

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Athletes showing hard work, great attitude, and coachability. We want players to thrive in our environment.

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We want to create a community here at Brighton Soccer Club. It is therefore important that parents share the same "why" as us. Our goal is pretty straight forward: To give every player and team the best development and experience possible. To do that, everyone needs to be positively involved.

To the left is the criteria we will look for us a club to make sure we create this environment.


It's a must! Players, Parents and Club Members receive timely, precise and crystal clear information. Using state of the art technology and committed staff members, BSC families always have the most updated information. This will include schedule updates for practices, tournaments, transportation and more allowing everybody to follow all commitments seamlessly and efficiently.


Parents receive a formal evaluation of their players throughout the season, directly from their head coach. This evaluation contains a progress report of the player's achievements for that period, highlights of performance and team commitment, points to improve on, progression moving forward and so much more. 

At the same time, players and parents receive an opportunity to evaluate their coaches, and give feedback to the Club Management. They have the opportunity to do that in person or online, depending on their availability. All comments are taken into consideration by the Club Management and the player/parent receive feedback about these comments. This is a major tool at BSC for coach and staff development.

BSC Texas Brighton Soccer Club Texas
BSC Texas Brighton Soccer Club Texas

BSC 23 Magazine

The BSC 23 Magazine serves as a platform to showcase all of our club's activities, both on and off the soccer field. As our club continues to grow, this magazine will expand, becoming a hub for our entire community (and outside friends, family and soccer enthusiasts) to stay connected and engaged with one another and the club.

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